Election of the new General Servant of the Fraternity of Tiberiade !

2021 september 18

(from left to right: br. Bart, br. Marc, br. Ivan, br. François and sr. Asta)

The Fraternity of Tiberiade is pleased to announce the election of Br. François Bourgois as the new Servant General. The election of Br. Francis, for a 4-year mandate, took place on September 14, 2021, the Feast of the Holy Cross, during the General Chapter of the Fraternity.

Br. François therefore replaces Br. Bart who had reached the end of his term. The Fraternity expresses its great gratitude to Br. Bart for his service and prays for br. François, the new Servant General.

This same General Chapter also decided the distinction between the missions of Servant General and Local Servant in the house of Lavaux-Sainte-Anne and fr. François announced the appointment of Br. Bart as Local Servant in Lavaux-Sainte-Anne for a 4-year term.

The fraternity of the Sisters is also happy to announce the appointment of sr. Asta as Servant of the Sisters for a new term of 4 years, after having completed a first term.

We want to express our gratitude to all the friends of our Fraternity who prayed and continue to pray for our Fraternity. We entrust ourselves to the Providence of God which leads our adventure in Fraternity. Please pray especially for those who receive a new charge in the service of brothers and sisters.

La Fraternité de Tibériade réunie en Chapitre après l’élection de Fr. François comme nouveau Serviteur général