Do you want to support the Fraternity?

Would you like to support us? Here you will find all the information you need to do so. The Fraternity is grateful for any material and spiritual help you will offer ! Be assured of our prayers for you and your loved ones.


Support the brothers of Tiberiade

If you wish to make a donation to the Fraternity of the brothers, you can do so on the account number BE19 0682 0063 3312 (from a foreign bank, add the IBAN code: BE19 0682 0063 3312 and BIC: GKCCBEBB).


Support the sisters of Tiberiade

If you wish to make a donation to the Fraternité des sœurs, you can do so on account number BE72 0688 9751 0816 (from a foreign bank, add the IBAN code: BE72 0688 9751 0816 and BIC: GKCCBEBB).


Support our missionary projects around the world